We spent the day around Kawasaki. We have been staying in the area for a couple of weeks but have not spent too much time around looking around. We went to the area surrounding the train station, visited some shops and then went to the Amusement Game Park Kawasaki Warehouse. This place is a very well decorated arcade with lots of entertainment for people over 18. We had never seen the variety of games we saw in this place. It was Wednesday at 4:30pm and there were lots of people playing… what happens on a Saturday evening?

We then went to a free drum performance on an open-air venue in Kawasaki. The show was incredible, the beat of the drums and the rhythm were absolutely beautiful to listen to. Just before the end of the show they asked people to go on stage to play with them… and of course we were the only foreigners in attendance so we were the first ones to be asked to go play… another great Japanese experience.
We headed to Manuel’s house in the early evening.